The Profit Valuation Method For Special Purpose Real Estate
Step by step guide to the profit valuation method. How to value the underlying worth of the property from its profitability of the business.
The 5 Best Passive Investing Strategies For Residential Property.
A list of passive investing strategies for real estate that require minimal effort, time and attention in order to gain appealing returns.
How To Become A Property Mogul: Tricks of the trade!
We detail the fundamental characteristics of a property mogul and how they use their knowledge and understanding to build vast portfolios.
How To Use Seller Finance To Buy Real Estate
We provide detailed guide to using a seller financing deal structure for real estate and the pros & cons for all parties involved.
How To Understand The 18 Year Property Cycle
The how, why and what to look for in the property cycle are some of the most fundamental aspects to understand when investing in property.
How A Joint Venture Partner Accelerates Investment Opportunities
In the world of property investment, the options of where to invest are vast. The complexities of navigating local markets can be daunting, especially for investors operating from afar or even overseas. One effective strategy…
How to value Real Estate Using the Comparable valuation Method
Being able to use the comparable valuation method to value real estate is a great skill to have in the toolbox. We show you how!
3 Examples Of A Simple Investment Portfolio Used By Experts.
We cover 3 portfolios recommended by the finest professional investors in order to start constructing a simple investment portfolio.
How To Guide For Mastering A Replacement Cost Valuation
A step-by-step guide on how to value real estate using a replacement cost valuation method for insurance, developments or red book valuations.
Ultimate 11 Point Checklist For Purchasing Your First Home.
The 11-step checklist and specific detail around purchasing your first home provides confidence and a game plan to start your journey.
Bonds Vs Rental Real Estate: What’s The Best Investment?
The key features, risk profiles and income potential to understand how to balance the bonds vs rental real estate debate.
What Are The Great Estates Of London?
We show the history of how these Great Estates of the West End of London were created and the extent of their ownerships in more recent times.
How The 18 Largest Institutions Invest In The Stock Market
Learn how to invest in the stock market by understanding how the largest institutions from the UK & US have done it for generations.
How To Value Real Estate According To The 5 RICS Methods
How to value real estate according to the RICS and whys its a fundamental skill for investors, buyers, sellers, and industry professionals.
7 Ways How To Use Rightmove Like A Professional
By maximizing your experience on Rightmove like a professional would, it will significantly enhance your property search.
Why UK Real Estate Is Great For Expats
For expats buying UK real estate, there are substantial financial rewards which we give a detailed summary of to aid expats decision making.
How To Benefit From The Ripple Effect In UK Property
The ripple effect shows the interconnectedness of property markets and how a local serge of demand, ripples through the UK property market.
Exploring The 7 Different House Types In The UK
There is a wide array of house types in the UK to consider in your portfolio. We consider the pros, cons and financial benefits of each house type.
How To Manage A Real Estate Project In 5 Stages
We provide a comprehensive step by step guide of each stage within a real estate project which will help you execute a successful project.
How To Structure Real Estate Joint Venture Partnerships
A detailed overview of real estate joint venture partnerships and how to pool resources and knowledge to pursue real estate opportunities.
What Are The Different Property Investment Sectors?
We cover the 3 property investment sectors and the diverse and powerful characteristics each property investment sector has when balancing a portfolio.
The Best Property Data Websites in the UK
Whether a buyer, seller, investor or valuer, using property data websites provide valuable insights to aid your decision making.
The Best Strategies To Diversify Your Stock Portfolio
The detailed strategies provided will help you diversify your stock portfolio and spread your investments into uncorrelated markets.
How To Use lease Options For Real Estate Investments
We detail exactly how lease options enable you to secure your next investment project or dream home with limited money upfront.
The UK’s Top Growth Cities For Each Real Estate Sector
We offer invaluable insight into the UK’s top growth cities and sectors to guide strategic portfolio decision-making in the years to come.
How To Carry Out A Residual Valuation For Real Estate
In property development, residual valuation skills are crucial. It aids with budgets, end values, costs, and purchase prices.
How Much Of My Portfolio Should Be Invested In Real Estate?
The strong returns gained by Endowments are partly generated from their assets invested in real estate which we analyse and show in detail.
How to Achieve High Returns on UK Real Estate Investments
To achieve high returns in the UK property market, you need to understand your goals and then dovetail it with a strategy for your situation,
How To Find UK Property Hotspots That Match Your Goals In 2024
We explore your investment objectives and provide ideas on how to identify the best UK property hotspots for your desire real estate goals.
What Are The 4 Disadvantages of Real Estate Investing?
This highlights the limitations of real estate investing to evaluate before adding real estate to your investment portfolio.
How To Build A Property Portfolio As A Passive Investor
A step-by-step guide on how to build a property portfolio from scratch as a passive investor. We real numbers and a subject property example.
Why You Need Diversification In Your Real Estate Portfolio.
We provide portfolio diversification examples from the largest landlords, showing how diversification reduces risk and increase returns.